Joe Svetlik

Samsung wins reconsideration on Galaxy Tab sales ban in US

The US sales ban imposed on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 could soon be lifted now Judge Lucy Koh has been cleared to consider the issue, Reuters reports. A US court of appeal has ruled that a lower court should reconsider the ban on the Tab. Apple succeeded in having the ban imposed ahead of the …

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iPhone 5 sales in 3 days match first month for 4S

It only went on sale yesterday, but the iPhone 5 has already sold about as many as the 4S managed in its first month. That’s according to digital analytics company ComScore, CNET reports. So it seems the whole Maps debacle hasn’t had much impact on demand. ComScore is a little quiet on exact numbers, but it seems the iPhone 5 …

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Motorola advert mocks Apple’s Maps mess

Hell hath no fury like a tech company scorned. Apple dumped Google Maps for the iPhone 5 in favour of its own navigation app, and has heard nothing but bad things about it since. And now it looks like Google is keen to get in on the Apple-bashing. Motorola (owned by Google) has posted an advert on its Google Plus …

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250 iPhone 5s stolen from London store in worldwide spate

A man stole 252 iPhone 5s from the London phone shop he worked in just hours before they were due to go on sale. Meanwhile, similarly minded thieves struck in Japan. Twenty-three-year-old Usman Sethi is accused of taking the devices — estimated to be worth £170,000 — from the O2 store in Wimbledon in the early hours of Friday morning, the …

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iPhone 5 jailbroken, but not yet available for us

Well that didn’t take long. The iPhone 5 has been jailbroken, very shortly after going on sale, Pocketnow reports. But bad news if you want to free your new phone from Apple’s shackles: the jailbreak hasn’t been made available to the public yet. This is the Internet we’re talking about though, so we shouldn’t have long to wait. This image …

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Apple iPhone 5 ads focus on product, are smug

Apple has posted some new adverts for the iPhone 5. The good news? They’re nowhere near as cringeworthy as the “Genius” ads it tried a couple of months ago. The bad? They are still quite annoying. “Your thumb,” starts the first advert. “It goes from here to here. This bigger screen. It goes from here to here. Now, that’s either …

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Samsung drags iPhone 5 into never

And so it goes on. Samsung is dragging the iPhone 5 into an existing patent lawsuit against Apple. No, not the one it lost $1 billion in recently, another one. Reuters reports Samsung will add the smart phone to the list of Apple products it says are violating its patents. The company had made up its mind to do so …

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Sniping Samsung ads take aim at iPhone 5

I suppose it was inevitable — you don’t lose $1 billion to your arch rival and just stay quiet about it. But this looks like sour grapes to me. Samsung has launched an advertising campaign that swipes at Apple’s recently announced iPhone 5. “It doesn’t take a genius” reads the tagline on one, followed by a side-by-side spec list comparing …

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iPhone 5 won’t come with 30

There was some confusion over what exactly was in the box of Apple’s new wunderphone. Previously, the Lightning to 30-pin adaptor was touted as coming with the device, but wasn’t listed in the ‘in the box’ section on the Apple Store site. Now Apple’s cleared it up, punting out a statement on the matter. The upshot is you won’t get …

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iPhone 5’s A6 processor detailed, looks in

Apple stays notoriously tight-lipped when it comes to the exact specs of its new devices. Sure, it’ll tout its ‘retina display’ or some similarly Apple-named feature, but it’s always a little short on details. Head to the specs page for the iPhone 5, and you’ll see what I mean. It doesn’t even mention the processor. We all know it’s an …

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