Jessica Dolcourt

Open WebOS 1.0 arrives for those who dare to port

Call it the ghost of Palm past. Today the once-lauded WebOS, originally a smartphone operating system, lives on once again in the form of Open WebOS 1.0. Issued by Hewlett-Packard (HP), the first open-source version of Open WebOS is now ready for developers and others in the open-source community to port Open WebOS to any …

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Samsung teases Galaxy Note 2 launch party on Oct. 24

Just one look at the stylus in Samsung’s Save the Date invite we received today will tell you all you need to know: it’s time for the U.S. to get the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 (II) “phablet.” Related stories: Samsung Galaxy Note 2 hands-on Quad-core Samsung Galaxy Note 2 launches with 5 carriers That’s my educated guess, anyway, considering that …

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AT&T’s MiFi Liberate LTE is first touch

What would you say to an LTE hot spot that connects up to 10 Wi-Fi devices and comes with a 2.8-inch touch screen? The MiFi Liberate, made by Novatel Wireless, uses the screen to offer easy access to management menus directly from the device. Icons that smartphone and feature phone users are accustomed to pressing lead you to data usage, …

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Nokia Lumia 920 pricing abroad will have little effect on U.S. cost

High global prices for the Windows Phone 8 Nokia Lumia 920 are causing a stir for outlets reporting U.S. dollar equivalents ranging from $643 to $860 in Germany, Italy, Russia, and Sweden — but U.S. buyers considering the phone have little cause to worry. Although international price tags are said to be 10 percent to 25 percent higher than that …

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BlackBerry 10 OS will have work, personal profiles

SAN JOSE, Calif.–During RIM’s heyday, no device was better than a BlackBerry at keeping corporate information secure. Despite moves by companies like Yahoo to cease supporting BlackBerry phones, RIM is determined to make its upcoming overhauled BlackBerry 10 operating system as work-friendly as possible, for both the user and their company. Related stories: BlackBerry 10 OS: A closer look at …

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Best smartphones for $100 (roundup)

A hundred greenbacks is a respectable chunk of change, but when it comes to personal electronics like the ultra-personal smartphone, $100 (before taxes and fees) is a darn good deal. Since the smartphone operating system remains the same across handsets from the most entry-level to the most premium, what a price hike usually gives you is a step up in …

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BlackBerry 10 Beta 3: Messenger, navigation show promise (hands

When it comes to BackBerry 10 OS, RIM wants you to go with its Flow. The new navigation theme is something that the BlackBerry-maker has stressed since it first unveiled its reinvented BlackBerry ecosystem last May. So far, RIM has given us a few peeks of flow and other software elements, all of which it hopes will reinvigorate faithful followers …

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New Google Voice Search, Siri are closely matched (hands

CNET This article updates the original hands-on comparison posted on July 2, 2012, to include changes to iOS 6. I also compare Siri on iOS 6 to Samsung’s S Voice (found in the Samsung Galaxy S3 flagship phone. Back in June, Google’s Android 4.1 Jelly Bean managed to bring Android’s voice actions to the forefront in a meaningful way. Mostly, …

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Apple’s Siri trounces Samsung’s S Voice (hands

I’ve updated this hands-on to reflect Siri’s new tricks in iOS6; it originally posted June 21, 2012 comparing S Voice on the Galaxy S3 — which is still current — to Siri on iOS 5. If you’re wondering, tomorrow I’ll be comparing the updated Siri to Google Voice Actions. Voice assistants like Siri, S Voice, Google Actions, and Microsoft’s TellMe …

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The first quad-core LTE smartphone in the U.S. is almost here, and it comes to our shores extra-large. In launching the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Samsung is hoping to repeat its own success with sales on the Galaxy S3 just a few months before, while also setting a record for the first quad-core smartphone to reach U.S. retail shelves. The …

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