Geoffrey Morrison

Why is my cable box a horrible, energy

CNET reader Michael writes: About a year ago I downgraded my cable service for the purpose of getting rid of the huge cable box. The thing is an electricity sucking beast, and worst of all, it gave me a poor picture. So my question: Why is it that we can now stream media to a …

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How do I connect an Xbox 360 and PS3 to the same AV receiver? (Morrison’s Mailbag)

CNET reader Jibran writes: Hi, I need your help. Currently I have my PS3 connected to my 5.1 AV receiver through the PS3’s optical out. The TV is connected via HDMI. I’m planning to get an Xbox 360 also, but my dilemma is that how do I connect the Xbox 360 to the same AV receiver? There is only one …

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When is the best time to buy an HDTV? (Morrison’s Mailbag)

CNET reader R. Tiig writes: For the remainder of this year, when is the best time to buy an HDTV? Thanks,R. Tiig Yesterday! Kidding. Tips for when to find the best deals, and how to shop for them after the jump. Traditionally, the day after Thanksgiving is the date stores and manufacturers cut prices, often losing money on a product …

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How to get free HDTV If you bought your TV within the past few years, and you live anywhere close to a city, chances are you can get better HDTV than you’ve ever seen, for free. The key, of course, is you need one little thing that you probably already have. An antenna. All TVs sold in the United States after 2007 are required …

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