Eric Mack

‘Game of Thrones’ season 6 trailer hints at battles to come

There’s still over a month before “Game of Thrones” returns to HBO, but the full-length trailer for season 6 of the hit series seems to take aim at some of the biggest rumors surrounding the show. The 100-second tease, released Tuesday, starts from a bird’s-eye view drifting over the bloodied body of Jon Snow, who …

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If ‘House of Cards’ schemer Frank Underwood joined the US presidential race

Just when you thought we couldn’t see any more drama in presidential politics, Netflix dropped the fourth season of “House of Cards” on Friday. Binge watchers will be able to escape the insane melodrama of the real-world race for the White House for 10 glorious hours this weekend and dive in to the insane melodrama of a fictional presidency instead. …

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After Super Tuesday, Google searches for one phrase hit an all

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were the big winners in the Super Tuesday primary races on the road to the White House, but the results seem to have left some people feeling like the entire United States is a lost cause, if Google’s search data is any indication. According to the Google Trends team, searches for the phrase “Move to …

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Frank Underwood would ‘take Trump down,’ says ‘House of Cards’ co

Donald Trump wouldn’t last long in the (hopefully) exaggerated world of Washington politics portrayed in the hit Netflix series “House of Cards” — as long as Doug Stamper is on the scene. At least that’s the latest hot take on the leading Republican candidate for president in the real world, coming from the (very underrated) actor Michael Kelly who plays …

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Bing, Google make predictions about Super Tuesday’s winners

The hunt for the next US president will take a big step toward becoming a two-person race after Super Tuesday, online-search results say. At least one caucus or primary will be held in each of 12 states, and the team at Microsoft’s Bing is among those predicting that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will be the big winners of the …

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Why is Donald Trump threatening Amazon and Jeff Bezos?

If Donald Trump had his way, he’d happily light all those Kindle Fires and Fire TVs on fire. The front-running Republican candidate for the US presidency promises to take aim at Amazon, its founder Jeff Bezos and the entire media, if elected. “I have respect for Jeff Bezos, but he bought The Washington Post to have political influence, and I …

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By one count, 49 people have died in fatal selfie accidents over the past few years, with the biggest chunk of those deaths happening in India. In response to two recent deaths, Mumbai has reportedly designated 16 “no-selfie zones” around the nation’s largest city, which is home to a number of photogenic sites. In January, an 18-year-old woman fell into …

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Taken out by Twitter: A brief history of political social

It’s not exactly the new third rail of American politics, but social media can certainly deliver a jolt to the careless campaigner. This week, Republican US presidential candidate Ted Cruz canned his spokesman, Rick Tyler, for misrepresenting a video clip on social media that made it seem as though rival Marco Rubio was mocking the Bible. The week before that, …

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‘Game of Thrones’ mashup makes Donald Trump at home in Westeros

At last, two of the most confounding political minds of our time — Donald Trump and Tyrion Lannister — have met. And amazingly, when the two sit down together, only one of them is rendered speechless. That’s one of the many great moments in yet another Trump mashup I can’t stop watching. Called “Winter is Trumping,” it stitches The Donald’s …

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Steve Jobs’ battered watch from iconic Mac photo fetches $42,000

Steve Jobs’ “reality distortion field” helped propel an empire, but it couldn’t keep a leather wristwatch band from showing some serious wear. Even in “heavily worn condition,” however, the Seiko wristwatch that Jobs wore in a 1984 photo shoot with the original Macintosh still fetched $42,500 (about £29,800, AU$59,440) in an online auction Saturday. The watch was just one of …

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