Eric Mack

iPhone 6 release could drive the most old iPhone trade

There’s gold in them thar phones! CNET It’s widely believed that Apple will introduce the iPhone 6 at a September 9 media event in San Francisco, making it prime-time for trading in current and older Apple smartphones. Plenty of big and small online names are already jostling to offer the best deal to take your …

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To get cash for an iPhone 6, lock in your old iPhone trade

Still worth top dollar, for now. TechSmartt video screenshot/CNET Your iPhone 5S in excellent condition could be worth $350, even after the iPhone 6 drops in a few weeks, rendering that current Apple flagship phone instantly less cool. The key to getting that maximum trade-in value for your old iPhone is locking in its value right now. As of this …

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Shameless iPhone 6 and iWatch knockoffs on sale soon

Should we pity the foo’ who buys a Goo? Screenshot by Eric Mack/CNET The existence of the iPhone 6 may not be confirmed for another month or two, but that won’t stop China’s GooPhone from launching its shameless knockoff, the “i6,” next week. GooPhone’s track record of cloning all the best-selling smartphones is only outdone by its ability to do …

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6 things to remember about iPhone 6 rumors

Welcome to the world’s greatest guessing game. Video screenshot by Eric Mack/CNET Last week, you may have noticed some blog posts about a “leak” of the upcoming iPhone 6 supposedly showing up on Amazon’s Japanese site. While CNET covers quite a few of the latest iPhone 6 rumors with the appropriate caveats and grains of salt, often they’re just too …

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Ready or not, the iPhone 6 clones are here

Prepare yourself for the onslaught of iPhone clones, a little early. The Internet has a talent for leaks, but the tech world also has an impressive capacity for imitation, so it should be no surprise that all those iPhone leaks have already been transformed into a functional iPhone 6 clone. French site NoWhereElse got hold of some photos of …

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Leaked iPhone 6 sapphire screen tough, but not unbreakable

This supposed iPhone 6 screen is tough but not invincible. Video screenshot by Eric Mack/CNET Earlier this week, I nearly had an anxiety attack over the prospect that the expected iPhone 6 would sport a sapphire screen impervious to even the most creative methods of torture-testing, which has became a passionate hobby of mine in recent years. This excited panic …

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iPhone 6 leaks show a device begging for extreme torture

The iPhone 6 seems to be itchin’ for a fight, if the rumors are true. Video screenshot by Eric Mack / CNET A video making the rounds this week purports to show a sapphire crystal screen panel from the upcoming iPhone 6 withstanding some pretty serious scratches and stabs from a hunting knife and some keys. It’s an impressive demonstration …

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Torture test: Can this waterproof headset survive a waterfall?

The BlueAnt Pump, post dunking. Johanna DeBiase/CNET The BlueAnt Pump is a rugged set of Bluetooth headphones meant to survive sweat and rain, but to see just how waterproof it really is, I took it for a head-first dive down a natural stone waterfall slide in South Carolina. To shoot the below video of this real-life torture test, I connected …

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Android Wear had a long journey from this prototype

Early R&D isn’t always pretty… Google+ / Mike Elgan The first few smartwatches to run Android Wear, Google’s wearables platform, are fairly slick and streamlined if a little bulky-looking on the wrist. But they’ve come quite a long ways from the apparent early prototype above. The image was taken Wednesday and shared to Google+ on Saturday by Tech News Today …

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Who will wear Android Wear?

The Moto 360 could be the most anticipated Android Wear smartwatch… that most people don’t know about. James Martin/CNET At Google I/O on Wednesday, the company finally launched Android Wear, its new wearables and smartwatch software platform, and announced the availability of the first Android Wear smartwatches from LG and Samsung. Glass-wearing Googlers cheered in San Francisco’s Moscone Center, and …

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