Dan Farber


The Oracle v. Google trial continued on day five with more detailed dissection of Java and APIs and the difference, or similarities, between Android and Java.  Google’s lawyers framed their questions to elicit responses to make the case that the Java language is free and open, and the 37 applications programming interfaces that Oracle contends …

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Google’s Tim Lindholm faces off with David Boies on Java license

David Boies, Oracle’s lead lawyer in the Silicon Valley trial of titans, had a nice set-up for day four of the proceedings. On day three, Wednesday, Boies probed Google CEO Larry Page about his familiarity with Tim Lindholm, a software engineer working on the Android team who was involved in determining whether Google should acquire a license for Java. Boies …

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APIs take center stage at Oracle

Last updated: 11:50 a.m. PT  The scene of the Oracle-Google trial today was more like a computer science classroom than a courtroom as the witnesses explained the inner workings of Java and APIs. Mark Reinhold, Oracle Java Platform Group chief architect, gave a tutorial on Java as part of his testimony. He spent nearly 14 years at Sun as principal …

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Larry Page practices the art of evasion in court

Larry Page was well-schooled by his legal team. But despite the training, which is essential for any CEO of a major company, the Google chieftain didn’t exude comfort in the courtroom as Oracle’s lead lawyer, David Boies, questioned him. He was at times evasive, recalling the exchanges on complex technology issues of Microsoft co-founder and CEO Bill Gates with the …

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Oracle CEO Larry Ellison: I don’t know if Java is free

Among the highlights emanating from U.S. District Court in San Francisco courtroom 8 today was Oracle CEO Larry Ellison’s response to a question regarding the status of the Java programming language, which his company acquired when it bought Sun Microsystems in 2010. Asked by Google’s lead attorney, Robert Van Nest, if the Java language is free, Ellison was slow to …

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Oracle, Google set for the Silicon Valley show trial

The Oracle-Google case unfolding in a San Francisco courtroom has all the elements of a top-flight TV legal drama or movie along the lines of “The Social Network.” Billionaires and high-price lawyers and experts, along with nerds, a judge and a jury, will be packed into the courtroom for riveting and — more often — tedious and complicated testimony. The trial …

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