Ben Fox Rubin

With a click, Amazon adds Dash buttons for Play

Have you ever wanted to buy fish oil supplements with the simple push of a button? No? Well, Amazon’s got you covered anyways. On Tuesday, the online retailer introduced more than 50 new Dash buttons, which are small, plastic widgets that people can click to purchase consumables like cat litter or Red Bull through Amazon. …

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Why PayPal sees itself as the future of payments

It didn’t take long for the backlash to smack PayPal CEO Dan Schulman after his company took a stand for LGBT rights in North Carolina. He was on the receiving end of threatening letters and public criticism for his decision in April to kill plans to create a 400-person operations center in Charlotte and walk away from $3 million in …

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Google’s AI to make itself at home in the iPhone (The 3:59, Ep. 58)

Google is putting building blocks in place to make your smartphone apps a whole lot brainier. The search giant brought an early version of TensorFlow, its “neural network” software platform, to Apple’s iPhones and iPads. The platform should enable more sophisticated apps from Google and other developers using TensorFlow, which was already available on Google’s Android mobile software. Also on …

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Uber updates app, with a focus on its drivers

Uber’s relationship with its thousands of drivers has faced a lot of challenges. Drivers have protested Uber’s fare cuts and filed class action lawsuits against the company over their classification as contractors and not employees. In an attempt to placate the people that keep Uber running, the ride-hailing service on Monday unveiled a handful of new features on its app …

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Samsung takes Apple fight to the Supreme Court (The 3:59, Ep. 55)

The years-long Apple-Samsung patent battle just keeps on going. With Samsung filing its opening briefs in the tech titans’ case before the US Supreme Court, we weigh whether the justices will finally help bring some resolution to this patent dispute. The Supreme Court in March agreed to review the case, marking the first time it has looked at a design …

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Microsoft’s phone biz goes from dead to deader (The 3:59, Ep. 51)

Microsoft has thrown in the towel on its smartphone business. Shedding another 1,850 jobs — on top of the 4,500 cut last week as part of the sale of its basic phone assets — doesn’t instill confidence in Microsoft’s ability to make phones. Microsoft left the door open for future phones, including perhaps that rumored Surface device. But we’re not …

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Google assistant’s biggest question: ‘What’s my personality?’

One of the first things Genevieve Bell did after bringing home an Amazon Echo was ask the smart speaker to set a timer. After the Echo replied in its soft, reassuring female voice, Bell told the device “thank you.” “When was the last time you said ‘thank you’ to Google search?” asked Bell, Intel’s longtime cultural anthropologist and corporate strategist. …

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British artists made more money on vinyl than on YouTube last year

Video streams don’t pay the bills. That’s the takeaway from a report on UK musicians’ revenue in 2015 by the British Phonographic Industry, the record label association that promotes British artists including Adele and Sam Smith. The number of views on YouTube and other sites was explosive last year, rising 88 percent from 2014, to 26.9 billion plays, BPI said. …

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Google assistant says, ‘Let’s talk’ (The 3:59, Ep. 48)

Google wants to go beyond being a search bar, instead providing its know-how anywhere people may want. To that end, the company’s annual I/O conference focused heavily on Google assistant, a digital butler that can fetch all kinds of information for users and help them complete tasks. The platform will first live in the new Google Home smart speaker and …

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Google’s spruced

Now playing: Watch this: Everything you need to know from Google I/O 2:51 “OK, Google, let’s get to know each other a little better.” The search giant said on Wednesday it planned to increase the usefulness of its digital assistant, known as “OK Google” or Google Now, in part by improving its ability to engage in two-way conversation. At the …

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