Ben Fox Rubin

iPhone sales slump. Apple still raking in billions

The heyday of Apple’s lights-out iPhone growth has passed. Since introducing the hugely popular iPhone 6 two years ago, the tech giant has labored to spark the intense consumer passion it has counted on to make the iPhone an even-better seller year after year. Apple is still struggling to reignite interest. The iPhone 7, which …

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Get ready for even more Amazon Dash buttons

Some of the jargony terms used to describe the new ways people shop these days include mobile commerce, social commerce and voice commerce. Perhaps another trend will be called “click commerce.” Amazon popularized this concept with its Dash buttons, which are small, Wi-Fi-connected gizmos that you can press to reorder snacks or Ziploc bags or condoms. Saying it’s seen “exponential” …

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Jon Snow will now work for AT&T (The 3:59, Ep. 128)

AT&T doesn’t want to be just a phone company. The telecommunications giant is plunking down $85.4 billion to buy Time Warner, which will give it HBO (and therefore Jon Snow and his little show), CNN and movie studio Warner Bros. As the wireless phone market matures and slows down, both AT&T and Verizon are looking at media companies for their …

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PayPal adds more features for sending money overseas

PayPal’s goal to become a bigger part of our payment lives took another step forward Thursday, with the company adding more money-transfer features to its platform. Nearly a year after it purchased money-transfer company Xoom, PayPal on Thursday integrated a handful of Xoom’s functions to its websites, making it easier for PayPal’s 87 million US users to send money or …

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How Cartoon Donald Trump comes to life on ‘The Late Show’

From his desk in the corner of the Ed Sullivan Theater graphics lab, Tim Luecke wields a power craved by Reince Priebus, Paul Ryan and countless other Republican poobahs: the ability to control Donald Trump. Tapping at his keyboard and talking to his computer monitor’s camera, Luecke, lead animator for “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” operates a cantaloupe-colored cartoon …

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Amazon Prime Photos unlimited storage can now be shared

Now playing: Watch this: Got Prime? Share Amazon’s unlimited photo storage with… 2:21 Amazon on Tuesday said Prime members in the US can now invite up to five other people to use Prime Photos to store as many photos as they want, as well as share 5 gigabytes of space for videos and other files. Additionally, that group can easily …

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Looking for a new phone? eBay ShopBot can help

The 1 billion listings for clothes, cars and cameras on eBay can often feel like one big mess. As part of the online bazaar’s effort to make it easier to find the stuff you want, eBay on Tuesday unveiled a beta version of an artificial-intelligence-powered shopping assistant on Facebook Messenger. People will be able to text, talk or take a …

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US bans all Samsung Galaxy Note 7s from flights

The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is no longer flight ready. A group of US regulators on Friday banned of the device from all flights to, from or within the country, describing the phone as a “forbidden hazardous material” under federal regulations. The ban, which goes into effect on Saturday at noon Eastern Time, is a significant expansion of a previous …

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Amazon’s next big business: Bodegas?

When you hear the term “convenience store,” you might think of names like 7-11, Walgreens, CVS…and, perhaps someday, Amazon? Hoping to grow its grocery sales, the Seattle retailer is looking into opening its own small bodegas to sell produce, milk, meat and other perishables, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday, citing people familiar with the plans. Amazon declined to comment …

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We are gathered here today for the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 (The 3:59, Ep. 121)

Oh, Samsung Galaxy Note 7, we hardly knew ye. After a botched recall, Samsung said Tuesday that it will stop making the Note 7 phones, following repeated reports that the devices catch fire. We discuss how bad this may be for Samsung going forward. We also go into a report that Amazon is considering opening convenience stores, and we check …

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