Anthony Domanico

Celebrate the Oscars by watching actors read mean tweets about themselves

The 88th Academy Awards show takes place Sunday. While the event may be about celebrating the best in the industry, not everyone out there is heaping praise on some of the nominees. On Thursday’s episode of “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” actors Cate Blanchett, Eddie Redmayne, George Clooney and several others read some pretty mean tweets about …

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Dislike the Facebook reactions? The Oatmeal comic has you covered

Facebook has finally acknowledged that you can do more than just “like” a post on the social network. The company added additional reactions on Wednesday that enable users to express emotions such as love, laughter, surprise, sadness and anger. But did Facebook add enough emojis to cover the gamut of human reaction? According to Matthew Inman, the comic who goes …

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In this parody, there’s nothing in this world J.J. Abrams can’t fix

When you’ve brought back two of the most well-loved geeky franchises of all time, what do you do next? If you’re J.J. Abrams, the writer and director who spearheaded the wildly successful Star Wars and Star Trek reboots, the answer is pretty much whatever you want. At least, that’s the premise of this parody clip from the comedy group Above …

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These Nissan office chair prototypes move all by themselves

If you’ve seen the Disney movie “Wall-E,” you’ve seen a future in which technology does everything for us so we never have to lift a finger. Nissan, it appears, is bringing that future closer to reality. The carmaker released a video to its global YouTube channel Sunday showing off smart office chairs that automatically park themselves under desks or around …

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Stephen Colbert asks ‘Making a Murderer’ filmmakers if Avery is guilty

Have you streamed Netflix’s crime documentary “Making a Murderer” yet? The series follows the cases of Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey, two Wisconsin men convicted of the 2005 murder of 25-year-old Teresa Halbach. Avery was convicted of rape in a separate case in 1985, but DNA evidence exonerated him in 2003 after he served 18 years in prison. Stephen Colbert …

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Can Powerball end poverty? Lottery meme fails to check the math

As of Tuesday, the estimated jackpot for the Powerball lottery drawing on Wednesday is $1.5 billion. With such a bounty at stake, some folks on social media got to wondering what would happen if the money got divvied up evenly among the US population. Their conclusion? It could aid the nearly 47 million people living in poverty in the country. …

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Meet one zoo’s newest baby, an adorable penguin named Bowie

As the world mourns the passing of legendary artist David Bowie, perhaps people will take some tiny comfort knowing the musician’s spirit will live on in a new animal born to the Cincinnati Zoo on Friday. The first animal born to the zoo in 2016 was an adorable Little Penguin that the zookeepers decided to name Bowie, as the penguin …

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This alarm clock could finally kick your awful snooze

When it comes to waking up in the morning, are you a frequent snoozer? Snoozing may give you that extra 5-10 minutes of sleep, but science says hitting the snooze button just ends up making you more tired. Almost every alarm clock out there has a snooze setting that tempts you to go back to sleep for a few minutes, …

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All the Internet cares about is spotting the panda in this puzzle image

The Internet hasn’t been this frustrated since the dress. Hungarian artist Gergely Dudás — using the moniker Dudolf — posted an image of snowmen to his Facebook page on December 16, challenging his friends to find the panda hiding in the sea of snowmen. A few of them managed to spot the panda pretty quickly, but many others struggled. Quite …

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Twittersphere: Um, sorry, Hillary Clinton, but you’re #NotMyAbuela

Hillary Clinton is a grandma, but after her campaign published a blog post Tuesday aiming to convince Spanish-speaking voters she’s a lot like their own “abuela,” social media exploded. “Hillary never had to leave her home a 1,000 miles behind, move to California and work 3 jobs while raising 4 kids by herself,” one Twitter user posted Wednesday using the …

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