Andrew Lanxon

Samsung Galaxy S3 delays and camera test in Phone News video

Now playing: Watch this: Phone News: Galaxy S3 shortages 2:36 On this week’s Phone News, the Samsung Galaxy S3 goes on sale — but are there enough handsets to go around? We pit the S3’s camera against the other leaders of the smart phone pack. And I explore rumours that Facebook is working on its …

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Samsung Galaxy S3 blue due ‘in some regions in 2

The blue version of the Galaxy S3 will be delayed by at least two weeks, Samsung has confirmed, following reports of manufacturing problems that resulted in Samsung throwing out over 600,000 blue cases. “Samsung’s Galaxy S3 Pebble Blue version comes with a newly invented blue colour and special hyperglaze material,” the company said in a hard to understand statement. “In …

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LG 4K resolution OLED TV coming next year

LG is a busy bee at the moment, with fresh display news cropping up faster than we can write about it. This time, the Korean giant has let slip it’s launching 4K resolution OLED TVs in 2013. Colour us high-definition excited. 4K screens might not be new — you can find them in good cinemas with digital projectors — but …

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iPhone’s retina display trumped by LG’s new 1080p screen

LG has shown off a new 5-inch display with an amazing 1,080p resolution that will soon be finding its way into the Korean company’s new smart phones. Not only that, but this new screen manages to easily beat the pixel density offered by the iPhone 4S‘s retina display, potentially making it even sharper. The iPhone 4S (and iPhone 4 before …

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Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 now available from Three

The Samsung Galaxy Ace 2 is available now from the admirable men and women of the Three network, bringing with it a 3.8-inch screen, a dual-core processor and a 5-megapixel camera for free on contracts from £22 per month. For that 22 quid, you’ll get the phone for free, along with 500 minutes, 5,000 texts and 250MB of data. That’s …

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LG Optimus 4X HD coming to the UK soon

The LG Optimus 4X HD will soon be arriving in UK stores, bringing with it a 4.7-inch screen, quad-core Nvidia Tegra 3 processor and a bunch of software extras. We first saw the 4X back in February for Barcelona’s Mobile World Congress but since then it seems to have disappeared off the radar. It’s reared its face again today though …

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Samsung Galaxy S3 battery performs well in early tests

An early release of the Samsung Galaxy S3 has had its battery put to the test and the results aren’t at all bad, putting to bed our fears about the power-sapping quad-core chip. For now, at least. The folks over at GSM Arena have got their hands on the new superphone and have given its battery the once-over. It managed …

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Samsung Galaxy S3 UK price and release date

Samsung has taken the lid off the new Galaxy S3, proudly boasting about its enormous screen and improved processor. But when are you going to be able to take one home for yourself, and how much will you have to shell out? General availability here in good old Blighty will be from 30 May, says Samsung, which is sooner than …

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Samsung is destroying evidence in patent trials, Apple claims

The patent battle between Apple and Samsung is getting even more heated as Apple claims that Samsung has been intentionally destroying evidence that could be important to the trial. The motion, unearthed by Network World, was filed by Apple earlier this month and states that Samsung’s actions count as “spoilation of evidence” in the ongoing trial to determine whether Samsung …

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Samsung Omnia M is the same as a 2010 Windows Phone

Samsung has unveiled the Omnia M and it’s coming to the UK soon, although I am hard pressed to tell it apart from its much older cousin, the Omnia 7 though. The front of the M is dominated by a 4-inch screen. It’s of the Super AMOLED variety — the same type you’d find on phones like the Galaxy S3 …

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