Amanda Kooser

Play the Star Wars ‘Imperial March’ on a screaming toad

Darth Vader walks into a room. An orchestra spits out a dramatic tune full of foreboding and fear. You’re listening to the “Imperial March,” a song synonymous with Sith danger, Force-choking and the Dark Side. Now listen to it as sung by a yelling toad. On Sunday, YouTube user helen ge posted a 13-second video …

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Otter rescued by police turns out to be faux

A concerned citizen in Newport, Shropshire in England called police last week to report an injured otter on the side of the road. The poor creature couldn’t even move. The Police Safer Neighborhood Team for the area showed up to investigate and aid the distressed critter. What they found was actually a fake fur collar from a coat. Lee Thomas …

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Disturbing video of snow

There’s something moving in the snow at the Formigal-Panticosa ski resort in Spain. It’s big and shuffling and as white as the ground. And it was caught on camera. Update: It was a marketing stunt. On February 11, sunglasses company Hawkers and Spanish ski resort association Aramón took responsibility for the viral Yeti video as advertising for a sunglasses and …

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Internet unsure if ancient Greek ‘laptop’ is a Mac or a PC

In the past few days you may have seen a photo making the rounds on social media that shows a carved stone relief dating back to ancient Greece along with the word “laptop” displayed prominently in the headline. The relief shows a woman lounging in an armchair, her right arm stretched out toward a shallow box with its lid open. …

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Injured football player may wear 3D

National Football League player Thomas Davis had both a triumphant and a devastating game on January 24. His Carolina Panthers dominated the Arizona Cardinals and earned a trip to the Super Bowl, but at the expense of a broken right forearm for Davis. Davis may be carrying some extra equipment with him onto the field if he plays in Super …

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Insane life

Most people are content with normal action figures that can be lined up in rows and admired on a bookshelf. But some people aren’t going to settle for a toy that can get lost behind the couch cushions. They want a figure that will scare the bejeezus out of them when they catch sight of it late at night in …

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Cops enlist eagles to hunt down rogue drones

Aerial drones are small, tricky and fast, but they have their predators. We’ve seen them taken out of the air by flying pumpkins, chimps, firefighters and birds of prey. Pumpkins are difficult to aim. Chimps are unreliable. Firefighters have better things to do. But eagles may be an actual solution to enforcing no-fly zones for drones. Dutch police are trying …

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Gaudy 200

Parmigiani Fleurier is a noted high-end watchmaker. It also runs a restoration shop to bring old watches back to life. Not content with just timepieces, the company took on the unusual project of restoring a crazy-ornate 200-year-old pistol. Parmigiani Fleurier describes this process as “setting [the pistol] free from the torments of time.” The pistol is nothing like we normally …

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Watch a guy bathe in 500 pounds of ‘liquid glass’ putty

I remember Silly Putty, that weird squishy beige substance that came in a red plastic-egg container. As kids, we used it to pull the ink off of newspaper comics. Times have changed and there are some much fancier versions of play putty on the market, including one called Liquid Glass Thinking Putty from online weird-stuff retailer Vat19. Vat19 wisely decided …

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Calling all supervillains. Here’s your 24

It takes a keen eye and a strong design sense to outfit a supervillain’s lair. You can’t just buy your furniture at IKEA. It needs to be opulent, but also menacing. That’s where French design firm Harow comes in with its 24-karat gold-plated skull armchair. It’s scary. It’s coated with bling. It’s perfect for your hidden island headquarters. Harow says …

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