Editors’ note: Over the past two weeks, 10 CNET personalities have showcased their 10 personal favorite Android apps as part of the CNET 100. With each post, you can read why they hold the apps so dear and you have the opportunity to vote for your own favorite title. Next week, we’ll collect the full list of 100 apps and announce the 10 that you, our readers, love the most.
Of course, Molly Wood doesn’t need an introduction. As an executive editor for CNET TV, Molly hosts Buzz Out Loud and appears as the face of CNET on media across the country and around he world. She’s a geek at heart, of course, and an expert ranter who channels everything that frustrates us about technology.
Molly enthusiastically volunteered for the CNET 100, and I welcomed her insights given her experience with Android. Her apps reflect all the tools she needs to navigate an urban life. She has picks for getting around town, listening to music, working out, and shopping. She also knows how to customize her phone, plan her travels, and she has what might be the nerdiest app of the entire CNET 100 series.
Molly’s 10 favorite Android apps (CNET 100)
+7 more
Be sure to check back next Wednesday Android Atlas to see the top app choices from CNET readers. For yesterday’s list, check out the picks from Nicole Lee.