Crack open the bubbly: Nokia is planning a new Windows Phone codenamed Champagne. The fizzy phone will join the Nokia Lumia 800 and Nokia Lumia 710.
Champagne is likely to be a code name; Nokia’s first Windows Phones were known as the Sea Ray and Sabre while in development, but became the Lumia 800 and 710 when announced. Expect a boring number for the Champagne when the cork pops on the bubbly blower’s public debut.
The Champagne was found in the code for Windows Phone app I’m a WP7, in a list of phones also including older phones such as the HTC 7 Mozart. I’m a WP7 is an app that shows how many people are using Windows Phone near you or around the world — all three of you.
Hoo boy, are we going to get some flack from the Windows Phone fans for that one. We jest of course — Windows Phone may currently have only a small share of the smart phone market compared to Android and iOS, but with Nokia getting behind it and big name apps arriving in the app Marketplace, Microsoft’s slick and attractive operating system is set to get much bigger.
The Champagne is set to run Windows Phone version 7.10.8711, which could be the Tango update expected to follow the current version, known as Mango. Windows Phone Tango will be followed by Apollo.
Nokia reckons the Lumia phones have people looking at the company “with fresh eyes“. What would you like from the Champagne? Pour us a glass of fizzy opinion in the comments, on our Facebook page, or add us to your circle on Google+.